I've decided to catch up on the highlights of the last month by posting my Favorite Five memories of the Month of August. To start with, my favorite memory is our annual family trek to N'kmip, Osooyoos.
As far as I can remember, over 27 years, our family has been packing up our camping gear and heading for Hot and Sunny Osooyoos. We are very fortunate to have been able to claim some of the best real estate, right on the water, for two weeks every summer at the very same campground through all these years.
These two weeks are always the very best of every summer. OK, only one week for me. But I have promised myself that no matter what, it's going to be two weeks for me as well next year. Everyone is laughing at me because apparently I've been saying this for the past four years. But I really mean it this time. Seriously, I mean it.
The time passes too quickly every year. It is time filled with board games in the evenings, boating, sun-bathing, swimming, desert walks, reading on the beach and so many other fun and relaxing activities.
Is is not without drama, squabbles, laughter, teasing and frustrations that we get through this wonderful trip as a growing family. We are far from a perfect family. But we are a family that continues to bond by spending time together on this trip every year. Good thing we now book three sites side by side. At least we can move 100 feet away from the crown if we need some space. LOL.
It has been great to continue this tradition with Cayden. He has been building his own memories of what camping in Osooyoos means to him, and they are not unlike my own as a child. I hope that we are blessed to be able to continue this trip with all my siblings, parents, nieces and nephews and Children for many more years.
you're back! yay! looking forward to your next posts!
I loved your post and it reminded me so much of our annual camping trips up to Manning Park. Many memories have been made at the same site and yes, you described it so perfectly. There is no perfect family and neither are we and we have our squabbles and our tears even this year at camping once again and we try to come out of it better and stronger...
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