Thursday, June 13, 2013

The End Of Another Soccer Season

What another great season we had as Chicks That Kick.  I don't know too many teams that bond as well as we do.  We poured our hearts into the games, sometimes coming out ahead and sometimes behind.  But no matter what, we have fun.  'Cause that's what it's all about anyways, right?

Thank you to all my team-mates for being an important part of my life.  I have spent years getting to know you and appreciate all the times we have had while on the field as well as off the field.  We have made so many memories.  Scavenger hunts, sushi nights, wing nights, 'Cindy' parties and of course trail runs.  We accept one another for who we are. With all our strengths, flaws and vivacious personalities.

I enjoyed the privilege of being Team Captain.  I hope I was an encouragement to all. (I know I had a grumpy moment or two which is uncommon for me, so please forgive me:) But it was an honor for sure to play with you all. 

So, tonight was a night to raise money for Lilee-Jean and her family.  What an emotional and fun night it was.  The weather was perfect and there was excitement in the air as the two All-Star Teams took the field. 

Many different fund raising activities went on.  There were Jello Shooters, pop sales, Alcohol Trees, 50/50 draws and Scentsy Sales.  Team Yellow sold $80.00 worth of candy in 5 minutes flat!  Thanks to Kaitlin, Sydney and Cayden for being our great little salespeople. Next year we will double the amount. 

As Team Captain, I made an executive decision to donate our team equipment return $ to the fund for Lili-Jean.  This brought the total money raised by Team Yellow to $340.00.  (If you are unhappy with that decision, I will be happy to reimburse you your individual $20.00 if you message me).   The amount raised tonight according to Sue was over $1400.00 and this was given to Lilee-Jeans Nana Putt who came out to cheer on the players from the sideline.

Cheryl did a great job for Team Black. Thanks for representing our team in fine form!  Tracy, Roxy, Jen and I did our best to cheer her on.  The final score was 2-1 for Team White by the way.  It was a very well matched game from beginning to end. 

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