It is true that time 'flies'. At least it sure feels like it. As I look back through my pictures, I can hardly believe that all these moments and memories were made this past month. It feels like forever ago that I sat beside my two silly and water splashing little cuties while I sat nearby on my back deck in the warm early October sun.
After a little shopping trip at my friends store, Just Dandy, I dressed my girls all fancy and convinced them to pose for me. Ava loves having her picture taken and is always ready with a smile. I love that I saved a few of Peyton's cutest outfits and they are starting to get worn all over again by our littlest. It sure makes for shopping for new outfits a little more guiltless, knowing that in just a year or two they will get worn again:)
A little bikeride over to the nearby Chilliwack Corn Maze was another perfect way to enjoy the gorgeous weather. And all the pumpkins definitely were a reminder that fall was here, even though it didn't feel like it.
A bit of an argument resulted in mandatory love. It wasn't by choice that these two bro's were sitting on the deck with arms around each other. But after five minutes of sitting side by side, I caught them giving each other back scratches in sync. It was such a wonderful moment, I even caught it on video!
On yet another amazing October day, the girls, Sam and I spent some time at Sardis park. So much fun watching these kids track down the many geese and laugh with glee. Especially Ava, who experienced her first visit to one of our favourite parks.
My very first visit to Strong Start with Peyton and Ava was so rewarding. Setting aside undistracted time reading and playing with these two was just what I needed. I finally got to experience first hand how amazing this free and awesome pre-school like program is. And wow, was I impressed at how organized and how much fun it was.
Another daughter/mom date took us to Petey's Pumpkin patch with a group from family place. It wasn't the best of days to be out in the pumpkin patch but with our boots and rain jackets on, we managed to have tons of fun any ways. We did some learning here and lots of playing. Dress up, bouncy castles and the maze were all a hit in addition tot the star of the show, the Pumkin Patch.
One of my favourite moments took place at the expense of a dad. We were over in the pumpkin patch after hanging out in doors and this dad went running after his little two year old to keep the little guy from falling into the mud. After 3 long strides, this man's feet went out from under him and he landed with a splat right in the mud. The poor guy! The little boy turns around, looked at his dad laying on his back in the mud and smiled! Oh boy, was I ever glad it wasn't me:)
This is the year that I am making being involved at the kids school a big priority. So far I've been a part of pumpkin carving, hot lunch serving, 2 PAC meetings and a bottle drive. I love it! Being a part of the school has always been something I wanted to do, but work always came ahead. Not this year.
I even managed to get out on the trail one morning with Tracy. The crisp air and fall leaves made our little run absolutely perfect. It wasn't even too muddy, making it so enjoyable.
To round out a wonderful month, the girls and I managed a trip to Ikea. What is an Ikea trip without hot dogs and cinnamon buns. Crazily enough, I left ikea having spent $1.00 on myself. A chocolate bar! That was it. I felt proud of myself for not buying anything that I didn't need, but I also felt sad that I went all the way down there and came back nearly empty handed. Although, I did come up with a number of decor and storage ideas for my new office. So it wasn't necessarily a total waste.