One of the things we enjoy to do a few Friday nights of every summer is to Party In The Park at Central Park in downtown Chilliwack. It is a fun and free event for the whole family to enjoy.
The very first thing we do when we arrive is to get to the face-painting tent. This is always a highlight for Cayden. And secretly for me too as I enjoy watching Cayden sport his new face with excitement every time. This time, Peyton even got to join in the fun.

Awe, our sweet little Butterfly.

I'm still really not sure what this is supposed to be:)

Super-cute Face-Painted duo.
After face-painting came cookie decorating. Yum. Wish they would let the parents join in.

Then came a round of mini-golf.

Followed by a list of super fun things including the bouncycastle,fish slapping , free slurpee's, music and a visit to the street market.
It was at the street market that I was enticed to purchase a naughty but yummy piece of freshly made Bannock, topped with some butter and cinnamon sugar. Delicious. Will stop for more Bannock for sure next time again. Unless of course the Mini-donuts get me first.
A wonderful Friday night it was. We are looking forward to a few more of these for sure!