As Cayden gets older, I sometimes feel that he is growing up way to fast. I do have to look on the bright side, I do come across some benefits that come with him getting a little older.
One of these is, his understanding of myself and Jeremy’s appreciation for weekend “sleeping in.” He tries his best to let us sleep in, but at around 8:00 he’s ready to test whether we are ready to get up. He is greeted often with a response along the lines of, “not yet. 10 more minutes. But you can go ahead and play with your toys quietly.” That usually gets us and extra 1/2 hour.
This morning he came right up to my ear and whispers, “Is it wake up time yet?” I quietly told him that no, it wasn’t but that he could go play quietly. Quietly he left, then just as quietly he came back. He lifted up my arm and pushed one of his stuffed animals under my arm and without a word, left again.
About 15 minutes later he was back. Obviously ready to get us moving and on time for church. He says to me, “which socks should I wear.” I didn’t really care, but he insisted that I come and choose. It was really time to get up anyways, so I headed to his room to make my “choice”. To my surprise he had lined up in a neat little row all five pairs of new socks he had received in the mail from Ivan’s family in Korea. Including his two new pairs of gloves Ivan's family had sent.
It was so neat to see how he had patiently “staged” his new items at the foot of his bed, on top of his comforter. It's these moments that make me forget about the sadness of how quickly time is going by, and appreciate the growth that comes with that passing time.
This type of character sock is very popular in Korea. We all have received a pair or two of our own to show off.
His “motorcycle gloves.
His “comfy” gloves. Bear or dog? Were still not decided
He’s not quite looking wide awake yet. But definitely in good spirits after a few “on-time” bed times in a row post-holiday season.